We all expect certain things from our partners. Support, love, confidence, friendship. As we move through life, certain expectations may change. What if our partner cannot meet those expectations? Is it ok to fulfill those needs in other ways? Through other relationships? I don't mean in the carnal sense, but in other ways.
I enjoy sushi. My husband does not. I indulge that habit in the company of my friends. This doesn't detract from my relationship with my husband, it is just not something we have in common. I can fulfill my desire to have sushi without asking him to change who he is to suit my needs. A silly example, yes, but it demonstrates my point that we can find ways as individuals to do the things we enjoy.
Common ground is absolutely important, and it is true that we need to work towards finding new areas in which we have common ground. Our vacation, for example. I am a planner. It is what I do. For this trip, I asked that we have one thing planned, and I am actually looking forward to the rest of the trip being an adventure. We can come and go as we please, finding our way in a new city, and discovering what it has to offer. This is a new concept for me, but something Brian does in his daily life. I am trying to find some new common ground. Not a grand gesture, but a step for me. Hopefully a step in a positive direction.